Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well, I tried.....

I'm over a month behind, and I lack the will to try and catch up.  Maybe I will just pretend April didnt happen and pick up again in May.......  :(

Friday, April 8, 2011

#74-March 30, 2011

Alex's new past time is to climb into the car, and instead of sitting in the car seat, he sits in the seat next to it, and starts reading his books.  He thinks he's a big boy.  Sometimes he climbs into the drivers seat and makes vroom noises.  Then I ask him "Are you ready?"  Meaning get in your carseat.......he always answers "The oven's ready too"  which is a line from WowWowWubbsy.  Smart Alec....and I love it!

#73-March 29, 2011

Alex found this six pack cooler in the garage.  He calls it his "box"  This day, he decided to make his box a seat and create his own desk.  So innovative :)

#72-March 27, 2011

I was playing with Alex in his playroom when Shamu decided to come sit in my lap.  He never sits in my lap.  Unless Im pregnant.....weird cat!!  Here he is resting his head on my belly :)

#71-March 26, 2011

We were doing some yard work this day, and Mike picked a flower for me from our garden.  Alex was the delivery boy.  On his way over to me, he stopped to smell it.  Adorable!

#70-March 23, 2011

I honestly don't know what happened to all my pictures this month.  Either I am on crack, or I honestly slacked off.  But thats neither here nor there.  Time to catch up.  Here is Alex talking to his good buddy Mr Duck.  He honestly loves this duck pond more than any other place in the world.  He makes me smile....

Friday, March 25, 2011

#69-March 19, 2011

On this day, we headed to Liberty Station Park to celebrate JoJo's birthday.  JoJo is one of Alex's BFF's.  They have known each other since they were 3 months old.  It was our first time at this park, and we all had a blast.  Alex especially loves spending time with Dada.  Here is Dada pushing him on the swings.  Its a bad picture, but JoJo's Dada is also pushing her.  I love seeing Dad's with their little ones at the park.