Wednesday, February 23, 2011

#49-February 23, 2011

I enjoy taking Alex to new parks, just for a little bit of variety in our day.  This is Highland Ranch Park.  Lately, he really enjoys parks with the rock climbing walls.  My boy is a climber.  Im trying really hard not to be that mom that hovers.  Instead, I let him explore.  But today, he wanted to climb this wall in the worst way.  I was freaked out, because it was higher than I could reach.  But before I could convince him it was a bad idea, he was already at the top.  Here is said wall.....

He not only climbed it once, but numerous times.  I guess I have to let him grow up sometime.  I just hate that its so soon.  He's not even two yet, and he's climbing big boy rock walls.  Be still my heart!

#48-February 22, 2011

Like most toddlers, Alex goes through eating phases.  Right now his phase is to eat me out of house and home.  Here he is enjoying his scrambled eggs, Spanish rice and avocado.  And chewing on his spork, as he is cutting his two year old molars.

#47-February 21, 2011

Today was President's day.  Dada had the day off, so we headed off to Lake Poway to feed ducks and play at the park.  Here are my two favorite guys having a swing.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

#46-February 20, 2011

Today I broke out one of Alex's Christmas presents that we had stored away for a rainy day.  My mom bought him a tent/tunnel combo.  I knew he would love it.  I brought the tunnel out first.  He was a bit apprehensive at first.  He wouldn't crawl through it at all.  So I got him to roll balls through it instead.  Such a fun game!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

#45-February 19, 2011

I was out in my front yard today, taking pictures of all the new growth on the trees and bushes and such, when I came across this little friend in my planter out front.  He let me take about 10 pictures of him.  Here is the best one.....and needless to say, I did not point him out to Alex for fear of what he may do to him.  Be safe little grasshopper!

Friday, February 18, 2011

#44-February 18, 2011

Alex is addicted to his "Best of Laurie Berkner Band"  CD.  We have to listen to it in every single car ride we take, and I am constantly singing her songs as we play.  While he was napping, I was playing on youtube, and came across his favorite song.  Here he is, mesmorized, listening to "Rocketship Run"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

#43-February 16, 2011

Today was a rainy San Diego day :(  We would normally hit up the library, or an indoor playplace, but unfortunately our local school district is on a "district recess" this week, so I knew everywhere would be crowded as heck.  So we just headed to the mall for some walking.  We stopped to have a Starbucks break, a milk box for Alex, a hot chocolate for me and we shared a blueberry streusel muffin.  Yum!

#42-Fabruary 15, 2011

Today Alex and Baby Girl got a package in the mail from our great friend Shellie and her 3 beautiful girls.  Alex is going to look adorable in his new shirt, and I can't wait for Baby Girl to be here so she can wear this adorable dress.  Having a girl is going to be a blast!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

#41-February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!  Here is my boy enjoying a sugar cookie, made with love by his mama <3  I love my little family!!

#40-February 13, 2011

I've been messing with all the settings on my camera.  While its just a simple point and shoot, I have always been very happy with the pictures I take (and I take alot)  I still don't understand what all the buttons and stuff are for, but I have fun playing around.  Here is a beautiful San Diego sky

Saturday, February 12, 2011

#39-February 12, 2011

Tonight my little family walked to our local strip mall for dinner.  Ate some yummy BBQ at Brett's BBQ and followed up with Maggie Moo's Ice Cream for dessert.  Im one of those moms that believes everything in moderation, so Alex got to share some ice cream with us.  He is loving it!

Friday, February 11, 2011

#38-February 11, 2011

Alex hates shoes.  HATES them.  As soon as we walk in the house, or get in the car, he's pulling them off.  Today I let him walk on the wild side, and play at the park with no shoes.  Check out the cutest piggies in the world!

#37-February 10, 2011

This is a terrible picture of an adorable moment, but it was the best one of the bunch (since I have a toddler who rarely stands still)  Alex is really into the moon and stars.  We have to sing the Laurie Berkner "Moon, Moon" song about a hundred times a day.  He looks for moons and stars in all of his books.  And on this night, he happened to catch a glimpse of the moon up in the sky.  He stared at it for quite a long time.  It was super cute!

#36-February 9, 2011

We are so very lucky to live in a neighborhood that has so many parks within walking distance.  And even more just a short drive away.  Here we are enjoying the 4S community park.  I love how this boy is always on the go.  I love that his hair is always crazy too :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#35-February 8, 2011

Today was a special day around here.  We found out Alex is having a baby sister in June.  So we dressed him up in his new shirt and went to Starbucks to celebrate.  He loves playing in the fountains outside our local store.  Here he is trying to catch a water spout.

#34-February 7, 2011

Alex is in this phase where he picks one of his many books and makes you read it over and over and over.....
If its a cute book, I totally don't mind.  This one happens to be one of my favorites, and reading it to him makes me tear up every time.

He now recites some of the pages without me having to read.  Makes a mama so proud!

#33-February 6, 2011

We all know how toddlers love "helping"  Here is Alex cleaning out Dada's jug for beer making.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

#32-February 5, 2011

Today we headed to our buddy Jack's birthday party at Playtown.  Its an indoor playground geared towards kids six and under.  We love these kinds of places.  The kids are contained, there are alot of things to keep them amused, and in today's case, its free!  We had a blast.  One of his favorite things in the place was the train table.  He loved pushing the trains through the tunnel, then peeking through to make sure they went all the way in.  Here is is taking a peek :)

#31-February 3, 2011

On this day, we headed to our favorite place to feed ducks-Lake Poway.  The ducks were a bit frisky today, and Alex wasnt in the mood to be chased.  So we headed to the playground instead.  Here is he enjoying a mid morning snack and smiling for the camera.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#30-February 2, 2011

Here is my baby being a big helper.  He likes to put things away, especially in drawers and cupboards he isn't normally allowed to be in.  He's obsessed with pot holders lately, and the pink one that fits over your hand drives him crazy.  He wants you to chase him around the kitchen with it.

#29-February 1, 2011

Happy February!!  Here is what I made (heated up) for dinner.  We all need lazy dinner days.  It was from Costco, so you know it must be good.  It was :)  Even Alex liked it, and he is pretty picky about meat.